Panther CDN v2.0 CSS Documentation


Use accordion groups to organize related content so that it each section can be expanded and contracted. Accordions may also be used individually by emitting the ab-accordion-group tag.


Component Prop Description Default Value
ab-accordian-group allowMultipleOpen Determines whether or not multiple accordian boxes within an accordian group may be opened simultaneously. False


This is a list inside of an accordion...

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

This is another example accordion.


Individual accordion content goes here.

    <ab-accordion v-bind:title="'Accordion Item One'">
        <p>This is a list inside of an accordion...</p>
            <li>Item 1</li>
            <li>Item 2</li>
            <li>Item 3</li>
    <ab-accordion v-bind:title="'Accordion Item Two'">
            <p>This is another example accordion.</p>
<br /><br />
<ab-accordion v-bind:title="'Accordion Item One'">
    <p>Individual accordion content goes here.</p>


Alerts keep users informed about important changes.

A notification
A notification with a close button
A notification that gives the user some information
A notification that lets the user something has succeeded
A notification that warns the user about something
A notification that lets the user know an error has occured
<div class="alerts-container">
    <div class="alert">A notification</div>
    <div class="alert">
        A notification with a close button
        <button class="alert-close-button">&times;</button>
    <div class="alert-info">A notification that gives the user some information</div>
    <div class="alert-success">A notification that lets the user something has succeeded</div>
    <div class="alert-warn">A notification that warns the user about something</div>
    <div class="alert-error">A notification that lets the user know an error has occured</div>


Cards are containers with minimal styling and a flexible in design. Use cards as they are to hold content, or customize them as needed.

This is a card without customization.

Card with a set witdh and height

Comment Card

<div class="card margin-bottom">
    This is a card without customization.
<div class="flow-right">
    <div class="card padded margin-bottom margin-right" style="width: 16rem; height: 20rem;">
        <h3>Card with a set witdh and height</h3>
    <div class="card flow-down margin-bottom" style="width: 23rem;">
        <h3>Comment Card</h3>
        <label for="input-fname">First Name</label>
        <input id="input-fname" type="text">
        <label for="text-area-comments">Comments</label>
        <textarea id="text-area-comments"></textarea>


Date Pickers

Date pickers allow the user to choose a date.

Headers - Demo

Main site header

<header class="header-main">
    <a href="#"><img src="[panthercdnpath]/Images/ARCB_grey.jpg" alt="ArcBest Logo" class="logo"></a>
    <div class="header-user-information">
        <span class="user-name">Test User</span><br>
        <a href="#">Logout</a>

Secondary header

The secondary site header can be used for the page name or other important information. It should have the header-secondary class and should follow the main header in the source order.


Popups can be used for modals and dialogs.

Vue.js implementation


Prop Description Default Value
closable Whether this popup can be closed. true
width How wide this popup should be. (CSS units) '90%'
height How tall this popup should be. (CSS units) 'auto'
max-height Max height for this popup. (CSS units) '70vh'
top-offset How far the popup should be positioned from the top of the viewport. (CSS units) '10%'
title This popup's title. ''

JQuery implementation


Property Description Type Default Value Options
width Width of popup in percent. string undefined 0-100%
type Type of popup. string popup popup, dialog
allowClose Whether to allow the user to close the popup. boolean true true, false
showOverlay Whether to show overlay. boolean true true, false
disableScroll Whether to allow scrolling if content overflows. boolean false true, false



Click OK to close this dialog.


<!-- Default popup -->
<button id="popup-trigger">Display popup</button>
<div id="popup" class="popup" data-title="This is a popup">
	<p>This is some text</p>

<!-- Dialog -->
<div id="dialog" data-title="This is a dialog">
	<p>Click OK to close this dialog.</p>
	<button onclick="closeDialog()">Close dialog.</button>


$('#popup-trigger').click(function () {
	$('#popup').popup({ action: 'open' });

$('#dialog').popup({ type: 'dialog' });
    $('#dialog-trigger').click(function () {
        $('#dialog').popup({ action: 'open' });


Vertical or horizontal tabs.


Vertical with Headers

Tab Header Tab 1 (Selected) Tab 2 Tab 3 Tab Header Tab 4 Tab 5
<div class="tabs">
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab tab-selected">Tab 1 (Selected)</a>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab">Tab 2</a>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab">Tab 3</a>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab">Tab 4</a>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab">Tab 5</a>

<div class="tabs tabs-vertical">
    <span class="tab-header">Tab Header</span>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab tab-selected">Tab 1 (Selected)</a>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab">Tab 2</a>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab">Tab 3</a>
    <span class="tab-header">Tab Header</span>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab">Tab 4</a>
    <a href="#tabs" class="tab">Tab 5</a>


Utility classes are available to quickly implement commonly used styles such as setting spacing, borders, and colors.


Class Description
padded Set all padding values to $padding-standard.
not-padded Set all padding values to zero.
padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right Sets the specified padding value to $padding-standard.
no-margin-bottom Set margin-bottom value to zero.
margin-bottom, margin-right Set specified margin value to $margin-standard.


These following color utility classes may be used in styling custom components or customizing components from third-party libraries.

Background Colors

  • .background-color-background
  • .background-color-foreground
  • .background-color-primary
  • .background-color-success
  • .background-color-error
  • .background-color-warn
  • .background-color-info

Text Colors

  • .text-color-background
  • .text-color-foreground
  • .text-color-primary
  • .text-color-success
  • .text-color-error
  • .text-color-warn
  • .text-color-info


Utility classes to adjust text size or alignment.



Border utility classes allow you to quickly set or remove borders from elements.



Classes that modify how elements are displayed.

Class Description
.hidden Hides an element by setting its display property to hidden.

Loading animation

The loading class can be given to an element to give it a loading animation. If the loading animation is too large, loading-small and loading-tiny are smaller versions of it.

Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel.

Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel.

Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunc mi elit, vehicula ut laoreet ac, aliquam sit amet justo nunc tempor, metus vel.


Wells serve as a container for large sections of content.

Well #1

This is a well.

Well #2

This well holds a few cards.

Card one
Card two
Card three

<div class="well margin-bottom">
    <h3>Well #1</h3>
    <p>This well is only holding text, but could be used for much more.</p>
<div class="well">
    <h3>Well #2</h3>
    <p>This well holds a few cards.</p>
    <div class="flow-right flow-justify-center flow-space-between">
        <div class="card" style="width: 28rem; height: 16rem;">Card one</div>
        <div class="card" style="width: 28rem; height: 16rem;">Card two</div>
        <div class="card" style="width: 28rem; height: 16rem;">Card three</div>